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Who is not fond of verrines?

Today, verrines are tableware items which form part of our kitchen essentials list! Already a favorite in France, they were first propelled in professional kitchens and by top chefs and were gradually integrated to our meals and invited to our party menus for the appetizer. And there’s a good reason to that: this small trendy glass container can accommodate any culinary preparation and the possibilities are endless! Savory or sweet verrines: creative freedom is the motto and it is all up to your imagination with verrines!

If you want to stock up on verrines for a special occasion, you will find everything you need here! AZ Boutique, features a broad range of verrines: for the appetizer, side dishes, the main course, the dessert. Each verrine has a bold singular design: a specific shape, height and different capacity to help you fulfil your culinary and artistic desires!

Why choose verrines?

1. For a unique dining experience: verrines allow you to give exceptional visual and transform the tasting experience to impress your guests!

2. For their convenience: some use the verrines for starters while some prefer them for desserts. Some like them cold, some prefer them hot! The only certainty is their versatility! You can even find disposable verrines.

3. For their aesthetic and decorative appearance: this table accessory will take your table decoration to the next level and add a touch of elegance and sophistication! Having an original verrine in the right place can make all the difference!

4. For conviviality: For family or friends gatherings, think of verrines! They are now among the most popular gourmet recipes. The verrine was previously used only for dishes eaten with a small spoon such as pastries. But nowadays, the verrine, has turned into a basic for all meal courses and for all dishes, whether savory or sweet!

5. For the sake of good cooking: more glamorous and elegant than the dessert cup or the appetizer platter: the verrine has become the real "culinary must"! Easy verrine or more sophisticated verrine: each cook will find his verrine! Chocolate verrines or tiramisu verrines are among the most popular sweet verrines. For savory dishes: avocado-salmon verrine or foie gras verrine are already a favorite!

Our practical tips for choosing your verrines:

Whether you choose a plastic verrine, a transparent glass verrine or mini verrines, do not neglect the aesthetic aspect! Indeed, it is the balance between the transparency of the verrine and that of the dishes that allows an immediate visual reading. The superposition of different food layers highlights the contrast between different tastes and colors for an unprecedented taste experience!

There are glasses of all shapes and sizes, how to start?

Trying to match the shape and size with the recipe ideas is a good start! But remember that everything is possible with the verrine!

You can use verrines to enhance your dishes, your table decor or even to refine a room decoration! Be original with a variety of quick and easy verrine recipes! For very colorful verrines, consider using raw ingredients. In addition to their exquisite taste, verrines are awesome decorative accessories! If you want to leave your guests in awe, choose the pyramid-shaped verrine from Vertigo. For your birthday parties, the modern and design square verrine will make the job. Did you know, you could use them as containers for sugared almonds? Your verrines will make a lovely decoration on a wedding table!

Choose your favourite verrine on AZ boutique, and get started in the great culinary adventure of verrines!

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